The Path Not Taken

November 19, 2007

Yesterday I was melancholy. I even looked up the definition. I wasn’t depressed but I was sort of sad. Now today I am just happy. And you wouldn’t believe why. What tiny little thing brightened my day. Steve’s post about being unhappy is the same as being ungrateful. I am grateful for everything I have. I don’t have much, but I have more than enough. Can you say that about yourself?

I often wonder, as I think all of us do from time to time, what could have been. Where could I be. Am I happy here opposed to where I could have ended up. I have been at war with myself for sometime because not so long ago I could have made a very sharp turn in life and yet I chose this one. I chose to be a stay at home mom. A wife. A good girl. I don’t drink. I pay my bills. I love my kid’s unconditionally. But I could have been a mom of two. A wife to a much older man. I could maybe even of had a career. That made money. I wouldn’t be driving the mini van. I would have a decent wardrobe. I would have probably been a little more of a drinker. Would I have been happy? Would I have known what I was missing out on by not choosing this path I did in fact choose?

My war is this. The older man. I miss him. I miss things about him I do not have here with my hubby. And the thing is I don’t miss him in a sexual, soul mate kind of way. I miss him like I would miss a lost best friend. So much has happened since I last spoke to him and my debate is that it should be left as it is. I should move on. But then I think of the laughs we shared and the conversations we had. The way he paid attention to me. And I wish he were still in my life. We “got” each other, like best friends. Hubby and I? We don’t “get” each other, most of the time. I wouldn’t say he is my best friend and mean it. I don’t think he would say that of me. Somehow we just exist. I can’t explain it. I don’t understand it. But I love him and I want to be with him forever. We just don’t “get” each other. We are in fact like be freakin puzzle to the other. But how I wish I could just pick up the phone and say “Hey, how have you been?” and pick up as if there hadn’t been a gap. What if I imagine this to be a big giant fairy tale and in the end I get crushed? That would end it, right? I would then be able to move on and claim insanity.

So I am happy here in this world that I have created for myself. I am far from ungrateful. I just wish that sometimes two paths can run in a peaceful way together. But this is life now isn’t it. And life does not work like that. You pick the path and you barrel forward without looking back. I wish I could say I do it well!

*Tomorrow is WWC, the words are INANIMATE and YELLOW, if you want to play you can go see Tink for the official rules and regulations. 🙂

5 Responses to “The Path Not Taken”

  1. Tink said

    The problem is, you get so far on the path you’re on, it would take another lifetime to double back. We all have “what if” moments. Mine is with this house and my job. But I’ll never know… and neither will you.

    But that doesn’t mean we can’t look for something similar ahead.

  2. R.E.H. said

    Yep… I got a closet full of “what if’s”. But, we all have to live with the choices we made, and the choices that other may have made for us (in situations we cannot control ourselves). I know of a few that may have made me a happier man today, but what good does it do me now to dwell on that?

  3. Jay said

    There is nothing wrong with being sad from time to time, but being grateful is always good.

  4. Merri said

    I remember a great movie that dealt with, “what if’s”.
    I THINK it was called subway doors or something..(wish I could remember the exact title)
    It showed a woman first catching a subway(and following was her life as it ensued form that action)
    Then it showed her NOT catching the same subway that day(missing it, in other words)
    It was fascinating seeing the different direction her life took.
    Yes we all have had the what if’s..
    and being grateful IS always good!

  5. urspo said

    there are books written on the topic of melancholy – Burton’s is almost a 1000 pages long.
    try not to dwell on the what ifs and the might have beens; they are the surest way to feel bad and drive yourself nuts.
    better to grieve the losses, and be thankful for the haves.
    and perhaps use the melancholy to assess what you can change a bit.

    and don’t forget Skittles are very good for melancholy.

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